Invest in Your Health
Comprehensive Pricing for Our Results-Driven Physiotherapy & Chiropractic Services

Chiropractic Services
Recommended for pain control and new injuries
Initial Examination (60 minutes) $130.00
Subsequent Chiropractic treatment (30 minutes) $95.00
Patient Re-Examination Fee (Mandatory After 6 Months Without Visit): $105
Physiotherapy Services
Recommended for sport and function
Initial Examination (60 minutes) $135.00
Subsequent Physiotherapy treatment (30 minutes) $105.00
Patient Re-Examination Fee (Mandatory After 6 Months Without Visit): $105
Additional Services
Shockwave (per treatment area, in addition to treatment cost) $30.00
X-Ray/Medical Reports $25.00
Sick Notes & Late Cancellation $25.00
No Show $50.00
Medical Devices
TENS Machine $275.00
Chiro-Flow Pillow $125.00
Custom Orthotics $525
Cervical Traction Collar $50
Custom Braces and Compression Stockings On Request
As a courtesy to other patients, we ask that you give 24-HOUR NOTICE FOR CANCELLATIONS
Failure to do so will result in a $25 CANCELLATION FEE or a $50 NO SHOW FEE
Updated: 12-05-2024